Monday, September 28, 2015

Asian Food Day Pics - Food Preparation

Hi 5th Grade,

Wasn't Asian Food Day awesome???  Thank you for letting me share a bit of who I am with you!  I enjoyed teaching you how to prepare a simple and nutritious meal and I encourage you to try it with your family sometime soon.  I believe that God intended families to gather often at the dinner table.

I will be posting pictures  a few at a time.  I figure it'll keep you wanting to come back for more!  (Food analogy intended!)

Bon appetit!  (French for "Let's Eat!")

"When I'm done I'm going to drink this entire bottle of hot sauce!"

"Mom, don't look up...we're on camera!"

Brock sneaking a quick bite!

Why is Ethan eating Jadon's shoulder?

"Who me?  I didn't do it!"

Great job Mikey spreading the rice!

"Ok Mikey...roll it gently."

What an awesome day at school!  Is this reading class or cooking class?

"Hmmm...the roll doesn't seem even!"

Conner:  "When Micah is done making his roll, I hope he shares with me!"
Micah:  "I don't think so!"

"Do I have to add vegetables???"

"Squeeze the roll firmly Rachel!"

Norman hiding as Petr begins rolling.


  1. Nice try Norman. You are still available to see buddy nice try.

    The Star QB Lemar

  2. ethan, very bad man. Why do you want to bite Jadon's shoulder? THATS GROSS!

  3. this iz a puzzle look through the hole blog to find pieces of a sentinces

  4. Conner I don't think that was a good idea. Especially asking Micah! But when he was not looking you should've snuck a bite and I don't think that he wouldn't notice. :) LOL . And I am with Trinity, Ethan that is really gross you at least you can not have your mouth open and that you have not done that. Please don't ever do that again. OR ELSE YOU WILL GET IT! Just kidding Ethan. Just stay calm and don't get mad and blow your face off that wouldn't. LOL.

  5. those were some funny pictures !!!!!!
    especially the one with Ethan trying to eat Jadon's shoulder !!!!!!

  6. DOWNTOWN CONNER BROWNOctober 6, 2015 at 5:19 PM

    Who's the star QB?? ����������������

  7. DOWNTOWN CONNER BROWNOctober 6, 2015 at 5:23 PM

    Norman don't hide while Petr's rolling run while he is rolling ������������������������

  8. DOWNTOWN CONNER BROWNOctober 6, 2015 at 5:25 PM

    I tried to put funny faces but it didn't work =( =( =(

  9. Why did you hide from me Norman =(

  10. DOWNTOWN CONNER BROWNOctober 6, 2015 at 5:31 PM

    Ethan when you were eating eathans shoulder you were like pac man. Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka Waka
